What happens to your fascia when your are sedentary or do repetitive movements?

Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs throughout the body. When you are sedentary or perform repetitive movements, your fascia can be affected in different ways.

Inactivity can cause fascia to become less pliable and elastic, resulting in a decrease in overall flexibility and range of motion. This can lead to stiffness, tightness, and pain in the affected areas. Additionally, sedentary behavior can contribute to the development of adhesions or "knots" in the fascia, which can further restrict movement and cause discomfort.

“ Fascia does not discriminate, it simply keeps growing and eventually hardens into whatever shape you make most often with your body. Unfortunately today that most likely means your body resembles the shape of an office chair. “ Janu Vanier Certified Rolfer®

On the other hand, repetitive movements can cause the fascia to become overworked and strained. This can lead to the development of scar tissue within the fascia, which can further limit mobility and cause pain or discomfort.

Overall, maintaining a balance between activity and rest, as well as incorporating a variety of movements and stretching into your routine, can help to keep your fascia healthy and functioning well.


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